• I should have known I would have been too foolish. Throwing my heart around like some useless thing with no meaning? It's a part of me, a part I need. It's attached to someone else.

    How am I supposed to handle this feeling? This feeling inside of me that at any moment a piece of me could be ripped away, as if I had never meant anything, terrifies me deeply. Some thing stirred within me. Fear arises, passion floods. Is this the beginning of something bigger than I could have possibly imagined?

    Hold your breath. Let it pass. It's soon to pass, but yet it's still there. What is this feeling? Guilt? Guilt for throwing out what I needed most?

    No, no. It feels so much more different. Fear, passion, hope, rage. Emotions, so many emotions!

    Then dread comes as if it had been housing it's self for years, just awaiting this moment in time. I see my dread. I look it straight in the cold dark eyes that are filled with nothing. Then something sparks and fear floods my entire being.

    Could this be love? This passion. This rage. Was I foolish enough to have my heart caught?