• Midnight has come, twilight no more.
    The sky now a royal blue, with hints of purple hues.
    The stars twinkling, the moon waning.
    The clouds parting, the rain starting.
    As the church bells ring, echoing midnights arrival.
    The wolves start to howl, and the owls start to croon.

    Tis' time for you and I, to dance a wonderful dance tonight.
    Let's do a waltz, under the pouring rain.
    The wild fields our ballroom, the stars and moon our guiding light.
    Let the wind be our violins, may the grass become our clarinets.
    And shall the rain become our cello's, and mayhaps the clouds our basses?

    Just let the world around us here, become our orchestra here, so near.
    You and I, hand to hand, waltzing through the fields tonight.
    Against the pounding waltz out here, I'm sure you'll find a lovely delight near.
    My heart to you, your heart to me, against one another in tonight's midnight waltz.

    The rain pounding against our feet, the moon and stars upon our heads.
    Together tonight, we are with each other, under the midnights spell.
    Such a spell, entwined within this waltz.
    This waltz within the dark, within this wide field.

    The cold of tonight does not exist within these smooth steps of what you and I see.
    Only the feelings that have brought us here within these borderline fields.
    Together under the midnights spell, together within each others arms of love.
    Together in love, were waltzing tonight, within the midnights waltz, the moon in sight.
    Within the moons light, within all around to see.
    Let's dance within this midnight waltz, before midnight must go on to dawn's day.
    Just you and I, under this lovely moonlit midnight waltz for only tonight to see.