• Memories are fading fast

    Dreams are slipping out of grasp

    Hopes are swallowed by fears

    Hate creeps over your body

    Revenge shakes away the smile

    Laughs fade into tears

    you go through your day thinking of me

    And how much screwed up

    The pain keeps you awake at night

    Tossing an turning from the pain

    Never able to let go

    You cling to the memories

    Cling to your pathetic thing you call life

    Never wanting to let go

    You lye in bed sleeping

    Keeping me in your dreams

    The dreams that once where pleasant

    Now threaten your very life

    You fear I will never forgive

    You hope I forgive

    The hate of yourself

    Causes you to beat yourself up

    You want revenge on yourself

    You forget my laugh

    You slowly believe that I never existed

    But in reality

    I cry at night in hope of being forgiven