• A toss of a silver coin
    Lands on my groin
    the payment of my life
    My hopes end at the edge of a knife
    Pumpkin seeds and brown leaves vertigo
    My skin rots to a pale indigo
    Candy apples and razor blades
    Thrown upon their empty graves
    The forgotten who never spoke
    The ones they tease and poke

    If we have noticed
    If they have taken their time
    Never time for a lonely lotus
    They were the ones to commit this crime

    We sit alone in a wind tunnel of screams
    They never saw us sit there through their lives of flavored creams
    We never asked for attention
    They never tried, do you need an explanation?
    Bawl in your room and squeeze
    The teddy bear, hey fever, a wheeze
    Dad came in and beat me again
    To tell my therapist will be a sin
    Thats what my mom said
    If I did I will be dead

    If we have noticed
    If they taken their time
    Never time for a lonely lotus
    They were the ones to commit this crime

    We are talent, beauty, hidden
    Crying alone in the kitchen
    Bleeding on the floor
    Suicide, super gore
    Smoking to steady my nerves
    Always admiring the others curves
    What a special vessel with grand popularity
    Beaten into you "ugly, fat, and hairy"... a conspiracy
    Liked by few, known my none
    Rocking back and forth, crying on my gun

    If they have noticed
    Only if they knew my rhyme
    If they knew who wrote this
    They could of saved me this time

    Age long story
    Of old gory Corey
    Taken for granted then tainted
    The murder of his plaintiff
    Never learned the silver tongue
    Now dumb and on the run
    Never had the glory or the self esteem
    Guilty by view, he is deemed
    He could of made it if we had noticed
    If we knew it was he who wrote this