• Daydream.
    I'm always caught up in this fantasy land where dreams come true and true love never ends.
    My minds always playing games with me, making me belive there is a such thing as love and perfect harmony.
    A such thing as friends that never leave.
    A such thing as a family that never fights.
    A such thing as a daughter that never cries because deep down inside shes breaking down.
    Yet shes afraid to show the world just how much it hurts because shes afraid of being judged.
    Oh yes I shouldnt care what others think but cmon,
    Me against the world?
    Sounds like one hell'uva battle to me.
    But I get closer to the edge with every step I take,
    Afraid to step more because the edge just might break.
    But sometimes you just wanna test the edge.
    Stand on it with all your weight.
    And just for once dare something other than you
    To break.