• Help us determine
    Why they stay the same
    Why they don’t
    Move on
    Why they’re stuck
    In the past
    Before they began to
    Before the world began to exist for them
    But I suppose
    It’s to be expected
    They never existed fully before
    They never came to find
    The world of things out before them
    Instead, they were stuck in the fake world
    With fake people and fake friends
    So it is to be understood
    That they don’t want to leave that
    It is comfortable to them
    And the uncomfortable
    Is frightening to them
    So let them backstab
    Let them begin
    Their petty squabbles
    Let them live for the next high
    Or the next drunken stupor
    And live your life your way
    Because they will never
    Cease doing what they do
    They will never grow up and move out
    From the world that holds onto them
    But you will be happy when they are
    And when they are not, it will not bother you
    As much
    Because you live your life
    And they live a semblance of one.