• I dreamed one night
    that game me the worst fright
    that I've been betrayed
    That all the things I've held so dear
    Had left me in disgrace
    and all the things I've said to you
    had meant nothing to you
    and was lost in the blue
    seeing myself tattered
    and seeing you with another
    you cried, you screamed
    for me to halt
    but in my mentality i can't stop
    I've left you with your heart thats turned to stone
    but theres one thing you'll always know
    that I wouldn't of left you alone
    But now that I'm gone
    My love for you will live on
    Will you remember me for what I've done?
    For the happiness i brought you?
    The times we've had
    seems to be forgotten in the past
    It was good to be true
    that it would last
    that I would've stayed and been with you forever
    Now that has just driven me to go pull the lever
    Since it was a lie
    hidden about inside
    so i thought
    now that i forgot
    it's something to forget
    yet it lies as a threat