• I remember the days you'd lie in bed and never leave.
    Blond tresses lay like a fan around your face.
    I'd always smile your way, your smile never returned.
    I always said back then when you smile it was like a shining star.
    We'd rarely talk, do tears and sobs count?
    I'd take your hand in mine sitting at your bed side,
    and tell you how beautiful you were
    but it only brought on more tears, so one day I just stopped.
    I'd turn to leave, a weak and sad young woman I was
    then look back once as I leaned against your door frame.
    "I love you" I'd whisper;
    "I love you too" You'd softly reply.
    A small sigh and my head bowed down, a few tears slipping.
    "But never as much as your drinks?"
    And you never did answer,
    I always knew the truth.