• Sitting on my bed listening to her talk about him after I said that I loved him.
    Hoping she doesn't hear my tears hitting the phone holding my breath so she wont her my pain as she talks of there good times acking like she thinks it really doesn't hurt me.Holding in the tears and the pain trying to move on but when I see him I think of everything that happened to me for him and how he still can do that silly little switch on me and what I called a friend.When im walking by him I give him a simle then right as im passing covering my mouth and running to the bathroom to cry thinking it will all get better till I leave the bathroom and see them talking and laughing then seeing her slowly look at me and start laughing even harder she knows the pain and finds it funny but they dont think how hard it will be for me to move on but I will keep on trying and I WILL find away.