• You wake up in the dark sky morn
    To welcome whiteness storms had borne
    And which this storms are piling still
    In drifts beneath your windowsill

    With eager, watching face you strain
    To see beyond the windowpane
    The snow is falling, building,blowing
    Oh come on snow!!! Keep on going!!!

    Turn the TV on, then watched transfixed
    For word of closing, Channel Eighty Six
    With fingers crossed you root for snow
    The list of school's begin to grow

    Your quality of the day's at stake
    Doggone it! a commercial break!
    You chant through out the crap they're showing
    "Come on snow! Keep on going!!!

    Then back on come the news and WOW!
    The list includes your school's name now
    You jump for joy; you twirl and dance
    Now back to bed;You've got the chance

    You're homework free to rest a while
    Yipee! you sat, but then you smile
    And you wonder what you say,
    When your teacher acts that way!