• A lone wolf awakens
    Covered in snow
    Coldness fills the soul
    Was it all a dream?
    I stagger to my feet
    Then looked to the ground
    No! It was not a dream
    For I see the prints of wolves
    Imbedded in the snow
    Frantically I run
    Following the tracks
    I give out my loudest howl
    Where are you all?
    Nothing but cold wind enters my ears
    Why do you not answer?
    Still I hear nothing
    A clash of thunder crashes down
    Lightning fills the sky
    Rain starts to fall
    Still I run and call out
    The snow starts to wash away
    Along with it the prints of the wolves
    No! This must not be
    The wolf howls even louder
    Where are you all? Answer me please
    The clash of thunder now even louder
    The signs of life have washed away
    To Be Continued…