• As i sit and look up at the moon
    I cry myself a little tune

    I wonder where you are
    I wonder how you are

    You are just so sweet
    And every night for you i weep

    So now i lay down my head
    I start to think its time for bed

    But then suddenly it hits me
    Can me and u ever be

    Then it dawns on
    We couldnt ever be

    So i turn back down into pillow
    And start to weep and cry and bellow

    I look around and start to wonder
    I think a little bit and still ponder

    Is it you or is it me
    It is obviosly me cant u see

    It all started when i looked up at the moon
    And cried myself a little tune

    That little thing became so big
    I cant believe it really did

    So now we know its because of me
    Im the reason we can never be

    We could take the chance and try to see
    If we could ever be

    But if we dont take that chance
    We may never see