• In the past you and me were
    friends, like brother and sister,
    but now something has changed
    and I don't know what,

    I see you walking in the hallway,
    I start to feel wired,my heart
    is pounding, my face turns
    red, I start to feel dizzy,
    what is happening.

    I see you on the way home and
    we walk together, my heart is
    pounding, my face turns red,
    Oh no not again, what is

    I lay on my bed at home and
    wonder, what is wrong with me
    this has never happened before.

    I tell my friends the next day, all
    they can do is laugh, then tell me
    "it's love you moron".

    The next day I see you I try to
    tell you how I feel but then.......you
    tell me your moving, I feel my
    heart shatter, I feel like my life
    just ended, Why? Why didn't I
    know this feeling sooner?

    I kept it a secret from you,
    even as I said goodbye on our last
    day together.

    It's been five years since then and
    guess what, I still love you with all my
    heart, and if we ever meet again I will tell
    you how I feel.