• tears will dry
    scars will heal
    nightmares will fade
    cause they're not real
    dreams will be chased
    then left in the dust
    sometimes its hard to face
    the ones you love and trust
    screams die out
    story's end
    but broken hearts
    they will not mend
    they will crack
    you begin to wonder if it's all fake
    those who lie cannot be trusted
    those who break cannot be fixed
    when feelings are true
    they make themselfs known
    they reflect in your eyes
    the torture thats shown
    True love is a sacred flame
    That burns eternally,
    And none can dim its special glow
    The red rose whispers of passion,
    And the white rose breathes of love
    the red rose is a falcon,
    And the white rose is a dove.
    Many people will walk in
    and out of your life,
    but only true friends will leave
    footprints in your heart.[/