• why is life so hard,
    its like a big magic card,
    i cant imgain why,
    but its even harder when u see people cry.
    i dont understand,
    why do it all have to be a rule or a comand.
    its hard to make a friend,
    especally when its not pretend.
    its hard to quiet the word smoke,
    they say u can wined up and die and choke.
    so many questions but why.
    like why its not good to lie,
    or why is hard to say goodbye.
    or why u cant skip school and still learn,
    there is enough education to earn.
    but still why,
    il tell u why.
    its the things we do,
    and the the things we say.
    like when u get mad,
    u get over it and get glad.
    then there being a instergater,
    u dont have to if u dont want to,
    i know its hard and u know what u will wined up saying,
    Why! but u know wat i dont know its just the simplest word and its LIFE.......