• my life is of shattered peices
    and i will face my dark being
    i will crush him hopefullly
    and start anew with unfading light
    but i am empty,and nobody has or will ever no what i am
    my dark being,sasve me from myself o' light
    disperse of the darkness
    and the battle rages,but i have no will to fight
    throwing the battle will lead to my own destruction
    fill me with your infinte and unfading light o' Lord
    for my dreams are broken,and tomorrow gone
    how long must i suffocate from my flesh
    save me,my arm is stained with streaks of sorrowful blood
    and my armor broken and sword rusted
    while my enemy has no fragment gone from the battle
    and my heart is bound in chains
    for i am losing the war of the light and dark in me
    rescue me o'Lord and finish the battle