• Amanda and a Panda and a Rockstar

    There once was an apple named Amanda

    She was very happy because she was red.

    But one day, she was to be fed to a panda,

    and she found out that it was her friend, Ted.

    As she was trying to figure out what to do,

    the panda, named Ted, said, “Come here. I need to talk to you”.

    So rolling over to the big bear’s cage,

    Amanda wondered if they were on the same page.

    An apple and a panda can be friends,

    because pandas only eat bamboo.

    Then they met a worm named Rockstar,

    who said he was from Rangu.

    He played baseball, and soccer, and he swam and he dove,

    but only in a pool, down by the cove.

    Otherwise he would be eaten by a fish,

    wanting to make him a tasty dish.

    As Amanda and the panda and Rockstar

    were walking down the street,

    They invited Spaghetti the meatball to go with them,

    but said, “Just watch out for our feet!”

    They put on their cool-people sunglasses,

    and walked down the street in slow mo.

    They saw little kids handing out “free snack passes”,

    so they said, “Slow go on the Yogos.”