• Dancing in my room,
    Dancing in the road,
    What shall I do now,
    With you gone,
    Shall I dance?
    I have no clue,
    Dancing in my room,
    Dancing in the road,
    I feel so alone,
    Tonight i sit on my bed,
    Thinking of you,
    How your smile made me smile,
    How your face lit up when I was around,
    How you told me to be happy,
    even when things were bad,
    We found you had cancer,
    You had 4 days to live,
    The docter says,
    You stayed with me,
    So I shall stay with you,
    Its you and me,
    All other people,
    Nothing to do,
    Nothing to say,
    Nothing to think,
    I can't keep my eyes off of you,
    You look so pale,
    Your eyes slip from me every time i look at you,
    We slept that night,
    I woke,
    I tried to wake you,
    All I have left is that dance,
    So I dance,
    Dancing in my room,
    Dancing in the road,
    Damnit why'd you have to leave me,
    Dancing in my room,
    Dancing in the road,
    Dancing to Death,
    Day by day I think about you,
    Your smile,
    Your face,
    Even you last breath,
    Dancing to Death,
    Closer each day I come to being with you again,
    Dancing in my room,
    Dancing in the road,
    Dancing to Death,

    heart I love you....You died that day....I love you heart