• I dance as the strings are pulled,
    My head just falls to the side.
    You'd think I was a lively thing,
    Just listen to how I cried.
    Listless as I was,
    That puppeteer did make me dance.
    He used me to tell stories
    Of hate, anger, love, and romance.
    The crowd raged as I flopped on stage
    And began to move against my will.
    They screamed for more - "Give us more!"
    I was moved faster - I knew the drill.
    Left and right, up and down
    I "lived" to humor the mob.
    But when I thought of my sad existence
    I began to sob.
    The puppeteer began to whisper
    Words of hate and terrible threats.
    He told me if I didn't cooperate
    It was something I'd regret.
    So he lowered me to the stage
    And I looked out at every different face.
    I saw with wonder a silent man
    I knew it was an act of grace.
    He was so quiet as the group laughed
    At my humiliation and sorrow
    I gazed into those big dark eyes
    And saw a better tomorrow.
    He stepped upon that stage of pain
    And gave an act of love
    To me the puppet - he extended his hand
    And reached for the puppeteer above.
    He grabbed the strings that controlled my life
    And cut them all straight through
    The puppeteer stood in the man's grasp -
    He just didn't know what to do.
    The man looked at me and said,
    "Will you allow me to love you till your dying day?"
    I gazed in hope and trust and said,
    "Yes my darling - you may."
    He looked at that heartless puppeteer
    And that look would have broken my heart
    Had it been directed at me
    It would have pierced like a dart.
    I felt this amazing thing
    Begin out of all the strife.
    I felt a pulsing inside of me -
    I began to die to life.
    Born so weak and killed by the puppeteer
    I didn't know how to live.
    But I could see that this bold man
    Had so much love to give.
    He dropped the puppeteer as he lifted me
    And looked upon him in hate and disgust.
    He drew me close against himself
    And my blood began to rush.
    The color returned to my skin
    And my eyes were no longer glazed.
    He ran his fingers down my back
    And the goosebumps were quickly raised.
    He gazed so intently in my eyes
    And promised he would always be there
    Through the good, the bad,
    When I was happy, and when I was scared.
    Then with a slow and passionate kiss,
    This man called me his wife.
    And with that proclamation he finished
    Bringing me to life.