• *sigh* Can't sleep,
    What's wrong with me?
    Something's outside,
    calling me.

    Who is that
    standing outside,
    drawing me toward him
    with his mind?

    Something is wrong,
    I can't pull away.
    Unspoken words
    compelling me to stray
    from the safety of my bed.

    He pulls me closer;
    I don't want to be here.
    let me go,
    let me sleep
    fighting the pull,
    wanting to weep.

    I scream
    but only in my head.
    No sound escapes my lips of lead,
    sewn shut by his hypnotic gaze.

    I struggle, but closer still,
    drawn to him by his will.
    My feet won't listen
    no longer are they mine.

    Now at his side
    his arms wrap 'round my waist.
    Lips parting, ready to taste
    the life blood flowing through my veins.

    My head tilts back
    of its own volition,
    placing my neck in prim position
    for him to drink his fill.

    My heart pounds
    as he draws near,
    caught in my throat,
    chocked with fear.

    A sharp pain,
    then numbness flows
    through my viens
    as my life is drawn away.

    I can't feel my body.
    I am floating away
    on a cloud of mist,
    caught in his deadly embrace.

    A moment is like eternity.
    Color drains from my face;
    my eyes, once brown,
    now turn ebony.

    My heart slows down,
    my breath is labored,
    as he ends his feed
    i feel my life
    slip away from me.

    I wake to darkness
    I hear nothing
    I see nothing
    I know nothing

    When my body died
    so died the one attached to it.
    The girl I was
    no longer exists.

    A voice whispers
    inside my head.
    is all it says.

    Who is Aliana?
    Is she Me?
    Only time will tell
    who now lives
    inside this shell.

    My head begins to clear.
    I feel something in me;
    A gnawing at my center.
    Now I know what I must be.

    This feeling will become my friend.
    All I will know;
    Forever more;
    This Hunger that will never be saited

    One thought is all I have left,
    as i rise to face this unwanted fate.
    If I want to survive,
    I Must Feed.