• Brushing his hand across the page, to no where in paticular, his stomachs purpindicular! He feels as heavy as a yot, he's eating quite a lot... I think not! Oh Johnnys now lying somewhere comfterble, hes feeling rather wonderful, his feet up in the air! He never moves from his chair, he just throws his ribish in the air. He's always watching the footy, you mostly hear him cheer. The only exersize he really gets, is when he's lifting beee-EEEEER!

    Johnnys sitting there again 2 years later, nows he's got his very own waiter! He has a heart attack, the waiter pats him on the back. "are you okays sir?" he replys " no Im not!" The waiter calls the hospital, they say that helps not posable, you'll have to let him go!

    2 weeks later, there is someone sitting there, his name is Max! Oh, he used to be the waiter there and now he hasn't got a care, hes sitting in that arm chair in that town by the docks! Ooh, Johnnys gone, he got what he deserved you know, he was a lazy slut you know but now he's dead! Max is grinning now, he got what he deserved now, he's sitting in that chair now, Johnnys been finished off right now, this songs about to end right now. Goo-ood-bye!