• Do you remember me?
    Your old childhood friend?
    I can’t see you,
    Can you see me?
    Do You remember me?

    Do you remember me?
    I can’t see you but I remember
    Your face on New Years eve.
    You were smiling, a happy time
    We played out the ball drop.
    With our stuffed animals
    It took us a while to get it just right
    Do you remember me?

    Do you remember me?
    Oh we used to play.
    I remember the old days
    when we used to play
    You always earned the most colored beans
    And spelled the most opponents
    You always had the highest score.
    Do you remember me?

    Do you remember me?
    At Christmas do you think back
    We drove around town seeing the lights
    Snow was sparse but we didn’t care
    When we got home he made fajitas.
    He always made the best fajitas.
    Do you remember me?

    Do you remember me?
    The superheroes we were.
    I still make up adventures of
    Hotwater and his team
    Or when we drew those pictures
    And told funny jokes
    Your brother always told the best stories.
    Do you remember me?

    Do you remember me?
    I can’t see you.
    There’s someone who looks like you, but he isn’t
    His eyes are hallow, his hair limp
    His expression solemn, his figure gaunt
    If this is a dream please wake me up
    I want back my friend, the one I knew
    The one I carved pumpkins with
    The one who always smiled
    Do you remember me?

    Do you remember me?
    Your old childhood friend?
    I can’t see you
    Can you see me?
    Can you remember me?