• I don't know if you love me!
    I don't know if you even care!
    I don't know if you want me,
    or know I'm even there!
    I walk through halls of dark,
    trying to find the light,
    to me the answers to how you feel!
    I don't know if you love me!
    I don't know if you care!
    I don't know if you want me,
    or know I'm even there!
    I feel different emotions,
    specially when I'm around you!
    Hate,love,kindness,and many others,
    run around my head!
    And when I lay in bed at night,
    I can't keep my mind off of you!
    Specially in my dreams,
    whether bad or good,
    you are always there!
    But like i said before,
    I don't know how you feel!