• Tremble (Pathetic)
    Obedient (Blind)
    My servant (Your master)
    No hope.
    Bow before me.
    My chains tight.
    Your will weak.
    No escape.
    Only pain.
    My pleasure.
    Your demise.

    Love (Illusions)
    Hate (Reality)
    I'm the master.
    Bow before me.
    You will obey.
    Tears (Ruin)
    My chains tight.
    Your will weak.
    No escape.

    Death or servitude.
    Your choice.
    Choose wisely.
    No second chances.
    My servant (Your master)
    No hope.
    Love (Illusions)
    Hate (Reality)

    No escape.
    I'm your master.
    You're my servant.
    It's that simple.
    Bow before me.
    You will obey.