• I look around, I see them everywhere,
    They're on the streets; their feet are bare.
    No shoes, no food, no place to go,
    No money, no help, no happiness they show.

    They have no hope, but they have fear,
    They do not know that God is near.
    To love one another as I have loved you,
    Is a great accomplishment that Jesus knew.

    The Jesus we know is here for us,
    The suffering Messiah we love and trust.
    Although you have nothing, you're never alone,
    You still have a place to call your home.

    Those who have nothing, as Jesus would say,
    Will not go to Hell, but the opposite way.
    Your pathway to Heaven is ever so wide,
    Because Jesus is always right there by your side.

    So just be strong, conquer every strife,
    Because God welcomes you into Eternal Life.