• (spanish version)

    Miserable encantamiento maldito,
    me pone bajo la luz que se aleja.
    Seguirá lejos, ya no me corteja.
    ¡Que se vaya!, ya no la necesito.

    ¿De qué me sirve ya? Nunca esta cerca,
    no sé que sensación me hizo desearla.
    ¡Es tan pobre!, debo de eliminarla.
    Recibo el reflejo de esa luz terca.

    No me deja solo, jamás se calma.
    Ni el día ni la noche salvan a esta
    pequeña jaula que aprisiona mi alma.

    Esas voces dicen que la luz puesta
    es mi esperanza, pero no es el alma
    el problema, es el mal que manifiesta.

    (english version)

    Miserable damn enchantment,
    it puts to me under the light that moves away.
    It will stay far, no longer courts to me.
    Go away! , I need no longer it.

    As what it serves to me already? Never is close,
    I do not know that sensation made me wish it.
    It's so poor! , I must eliminate it.
    I recive the reflection of that obstinate light.

    It does not leave me, never is calm.
    Neither the day nor the night save
    to this small cage that imprisons my soul.

    Those voices say that the light is my hope,
    but the problem is not the soul,
    is the evil that declares.

    by, ovi_sama