• A private moment with a friend you have feelings for.
    A second of solace from the friend that you realize you love.
    A minute of courage to tell them you love them, but don't.
    A hour of grief when they say they love someone else.
    A day to cry when they hurt you.
    A week to cry when you hurt them.
    A month for them to figure out how you feel.
    A year of shame when they confront you about it.
    A decade of time you didn't share with them.
    A lifetime to love but never hating them.

    The love the you give them, and hope they give you.
    The hate you have for the people that hurt them.
    The pain you feel when they're alone but ignore you.
    The tears that appear when you learn someone hurt them.
    The uselessness you feel when they don't want your help.
    The envy you feel towards those that are closer to them then you.
    The anger of their friends pushing you away.
    The worry you have when someone tells them how you feel.
    The depression that starts when they think its a joke.
    The times you could have confessed your love, but didn't.

    All that you have suffered through to try to make them happy but never actually helping them, Everything you give but they never know you gave it, Doing everything you think you can but never accomplishing anything, Taking your time to fix the smallest detail but never thinking its wasted time. Making a sacrifice for them without them knowing. Giving all your love to them, even though you know they don't love you back.