• We all seem so monochromatic
    So senseless and over dramatic
    We never examine our world to see all its facets.
    Hide behind these paper walls
    We sacrifice ourselves just like a doll.
    The very thing we create is the one thing we hate.
    Giving our souls to a thought and a pose
    Never quite realizing that it is ourselves were surmising
    We have lost our souls and with them control.
    What has happened to the days in fields of grass were we laid
    Staring at the stars in their great cosmic fray
    Of lost summers and bitter lovers.
    We have forsaken these days of our lives
    Trading them in for the fame and the lies
    We have forsaken the beauty of our childhood and the freedom we once had.
    We are no longer true to ourselves we have lost our hearts
    Were stuck in some padded room wondering why we fell apart.
    We no longer love ourselves and think for ourselves
    We are no more than empty shells
    In this world that has become our own personal living hell.
    We have truly become the very thing we hate.