• Do you know how it feels when there better then you?
    or when there prettier and more furtunate then you?
    or how they say every little thing to please you but in the end its judt to benifit them?
    DO you notice how happier there life is when your around
    and how no matter how great it gets for you it'll always be better for them?
    CAn you see how they silently make a mockery of you behind you back?
    Or how they know your not worth talking too?
    or how no matter how pretty you think you are there always better?
    do you know how it feels to be left out in a world where you can only fit in?
    And how anyone will lie to fit in with people you used to hate?
    and how they pratically scoff on your problems for your own?
    Or do you just see a well organized plan that your in charge of?
    and if so have you awakened from your dream to see what your so called follower have done?
    or do you still think i'm crazy?