• she said "stop! do you think im blind?!"
    she thought "oh god will he throw me aside?"

    he said "no"
    he thought "what will she do now that she knows?"

    she said "why did you lie?"
    she thought "i cant do this i want to hide!"

    he said " because i thought it would hurt you"
    he thought "because if you knew the truth it would kill me.."

    she said "how could you do that?!"
    she thought "oh god i've got to stop or he'll leave!"

    he said "im sorry"
    he thought " i hope you can love me again some day"

    he got up and as he began to retreat........

    she said "stop i dont want you to leave! your so important to me
    without you i cant breath! dont go!"
    she thought "oh god please"

    he said "i love you.. i hope you can forgive me"
    and he thought "i love you"