• I sat there waiting
    for someone to come;
    for someone to awaken me,
    from this nightmare
    for who ever put me there;
    to come back and say'
    "got ya"

    But it never happened
    no one ever came to get me
    time past and i lay there;
    as cold as the dirt floor
    beneath me.

    Men came in and talked
    aout all sorts of things.
    I call for the to help me;
    they never did.
    They didn't seem to hear me.
    More time past;
    nothing changed,
    people stoped coming.

    Then she came;
    a young girl, about my age
    she was looking for something,
    I thought maybe, she would hear me
    just maybe my nightmare would end.
    "Help,Help me Over here."
    I called the girl.

    She suddenly looked around,
    "Who's there?" She cried,
    then she saw me.
    Her eyes like reflective mirrors.

    My skin, pe as snow.
    My hair, once long n blonde almost white
    was stained red with blood.
    My eyes, cold; deep; empty; lifeless.
    My dress, torn exposing more pale skin.
    My chest, covered in dry blood.

    Her eyes quickly darted,
    to my stomache;
    a kife shoved to the handle
    threw my skin.

    She stood there in horror,
    then as quickly as she d come...
    She left.
    I hoped, I prayed.
    Someone else come for me.
    No one did.

    So I lay there;
    as cold as the dirt floor
    beneath me.

    Alone...For all eturnaty.