• I just want to know…

    Are you happy, now that I’m gone?
    Now that your scratching post is out of your life?
    I certainly hope so,
    Since I am not one to hold a grudge.

    {Who are you trying to fool?
    You hate the brat’s guts.}

    Shut up,
    Leave me alone!

    {Why deny how you feel,
    Child of doubt?}

    I won’t let you say to me
    I won’t let you tell me
    That I’d rather
    See her dead!

    {But you do
    Want to see her suffer,
    Don’t you?}

    Fly away!
    You can’t convince me
    That I hate her!
    She is
    My friend!

    {You foolish Child,
    Can’t you simply accept
    What I am saying?
    You know I speak truth,
    Yet you choose
    To live in lies!}

    If they are lies,
    They are comforting ones.
    What I need is comfort.

    {More lies.
    You need vengeance.
    She had no right
    To treat you that way,
    And you know it.
    Stop pushing away
    The truth,

    What do you say
    I do to pay her back?
    Poison her?
    Stab her?
    Strangle her?

    The sweetest revenge
    For this is not
    Or hands,
    It is the last blow.}

    I beat her?
    I am not strong
    Enough to fight such a spitfire!

    {No, no violence.
    You will have the last laugh.
    She will die soon,
    From disease, no less.
    A disease called
    Masochist by proxy.
    You will visit
    In her dying hour,
    Sing her a lullaby
    To die to.}

    Will I be found?
    I do not wish
    To meet her family again.

    {I shall cloak you in shadow,
    You won’t be seen.
    Find her,
    Sing to her,
    Wait for the blessed minute
    When you can finally
    Say that you
    No longer care.
    I will then take you home,
    And you shall be relieved.}

    This I will do,
    If it means I
    Can sleep better at night.
    Better than I have
    In five years.

    {It is decided.
    Your love for her
    Isn’t so strong anymore,
    Is it,
    Child of Doubt?}