• In a world of corruption and decaying trees, there lies hidden treasures beneath a fragile surface, almost invisible to the naked eye. Some the size of an atom, some that of skyscapers; each occupied by its own value but barricaded by the obstacles that prevent hands, trustworthy or soiled, but judged the same by a guardian, from touching what is untouchable. These treasures are indeed the triggers to temptation but come at the contract of unfavoring consequences.

    The heart is an exquisite archetype of such trinkets. It is a bearer's most precious entity, neither good nor bad but a life alternation; a person's medicine...or the foreshadow of their eminent end. And holding onto someone else's heart is not an easy task to begin with. To hold onto a special someone's hearts means that anything—an action, a single word—anything you demean in reality will ensure an effect of proportions. Their heart, their innocence, their every-life attributes is at the mercy of your doing. You are held responsible for what lies ahead in this harsh world.

    So let me ask this question to you, [insert name here], and I hope to get an adequate answer: In order to preserve their angelic being, to cause no harm to such a beautiful creature, would you do anything to keep them beside you, far from insanity? Even if it meant tainting your own in the bosom of the maiden, Reality?