• I want you as mine.

    Why must you make me want you as my hearts desire?
    You torture me by your existence.
    I want you as mine.
    I'll take you as mine.
    By the end of the night you won't be able to breath.
    I will have you when the morning is bright.
    I want you as mine.
    I'll take you as mine.
    Slowly you will forget your past,
    And all you will remember is me.
    I want you as mine.
    I'll take you as mine.
    The only thing you will need is me,
    And all you will want is me.
    I want you as mine.
    I'll take you as mine.
    My heart is yours,
    And yours is mine.
    I want you as mine.
    I'll take you as mine.
    There is nothing but us,
    And there is nothing in life.
    I want you as mine.
    I'll take you as mine.
    You will be mine.