• Love is beauty,
    and beyond.
    Love can tie your thoughts,
    and untangle them too.
    Love can make you do stupid things,
    that may just get you what you want.
    Love can kill you inside,
    but can also warm your body to the point of overflow.
    Why do we hurt over love?
    Why does love make us so happy?
    Why does it hold onto us with the strongest of bonds?
    Does it have to hurt?
    Does it have to make us warm inside?
    All these questions come from one who is in love.
    Love can tear us away from reality,
    but also put us in it's path.
    Love can make us hate over nothing.
    Love destroys friends,
    but also makes them.
    Love does one thing to one person,
    And turns around to do the opposite to another.
    Love is different for all of us,
    but also the same.
    We all feel it,
    we all are trapped in it's arms.
    Why does this all happen?
    No one knows.
    All that can describe it is 2 words,
    Happy, and pain.