• I will always love you....no matter what.
    Even though you have someone else and I know you will always think of me as a friend.
    I still wish you would feel the same even though I know you never will sad but still I love you.
    No matter what you say or do I will alway feel this way, even though deep inside I know it's wrong.
    I am so so so stupid for falling in love with a guy like you.
    Your calm and collected and yet at the same time your wild and crazy.
    Your the one who is always here for me when ever I need someone to lean on or if I feel like there is no one else is there.
    For you I would do anything just to see you smile, laugh, and not get your heart broke every time you turn around like normal. I need you to know that I will always be the one who will stand by you no matter if it's wrong or stupid.
    I love you and there is nothing anyone could say or do that would change MY MIND.
    They can try all they want but it's not gonna happen.
    All your friends may think im weird or crazy but im not I'm just a girl in love with you!
    Your my world, my life my everything, and the sad thing about it is you will never know how much you mean to me, or how much your friendship keeps me going.
    Basically you will just never know how much I love you.
    I love you forever and always SMT.