• I closed my weary eyes.
    Subsequently I indulged in reminiscence,
    I descried a memory that had been buried a long time ago.
    It was an ambiguous relationship that I had with him.
    It was a failure.
    I thought he would be the man of my dreams.
    The lad that had the missing key to unlock my ingenuous cage.
    Rescuing from a huge serpent as I rode to his angelic horse.
    I was a wide-eyed girl back then.
    It was love at first sight. I merely fall for him.
    That was what I thought.
    He had the face that I fantasized. Many lasses also desired him.
    My curiosity to enter a mysterious door was a regretful mistake.
    I was a novice to love.
    When I'm with him, I blushed idiotically.
    When I'm not with him, I grinned foolishly.
    In just a snap, my fantasy world was over.
    It just ended after what my friend said...

    crying crying