• It's been three and a half months,
    since I last saw your face.
    Two, since I last heard
    your voice.
    My heart aches more and more
    each day,
    but my head keeps screaming...

    I don't miss you.
    I don't need you
    You meant what you did—
    you said how you felt—
    so good riddance.
    Be gone,
    Mr. Heartache.

    It's funny...
    I used to depend on you.
    Thought I needed you—
    to feel good,
    to smile—
    but I don't.
    I don't need a guy
    for that.
    Which is why my heart keeps screaming...

    I don't miss you.
    I don't need you
    You meant what you did—
    you said how you felt—
    so good riddance.
    Be gone,
    Mr. Heartache.

    ...but even though I know this,
    and I know that it's true...

    I still miss you.
    I still want you
    You meant the world to me—
    I gave you everything
    I could give...
    but I can't just forgive and forget...
    So goodbye,
    Mr. Heartache.

    So long.