• The day my love grew
    Was the day you asked me to be in love with you
    I said yes
    So predictable of me
    You said you'd love me back no more than less
    I loved you, when you asked to love me.

    Weeks have past
    And memories later
    You needed me like a sail boat needs a mast
    Still in love, everyone looks at us as if our love will die later
    But it still grows

    Months have past
    Memories later
    The sail boat needed its mast more than in the past
    And I'm still here, memories later

    Years have past
    Memories later
    I know your my mast
    So we know now were bound together

    Weeks have past
    memories later
    I sail into the sea
    my love so strong, like a mighty wind
    guiding you and me

    Now is now
    memories later
    A bushel of flowers in hand and a veil shading my face
    "I do," and "I do" bounds us eternally

    Decades have past
    Memories later
    My mast has been destroyed
    The black caped wind came and went
    now the sailboat is lost in a never-ending sea.........