• let me tell you a story.
    a story about two boys;tom and tim.
    they would meet up and play everyday.
    but then they grew up
    and thugs and bitches just got in the way.
    now one rolls with white while the other rolls with black.
    some things get said that no one can take back.
    i know this story well because i was their friend.
    now every day i think of the last letter of the word mercy
    y, y, y, why, why, why?
    why'd he die tom? and why are you in jail?
    was it worth it to see your brother turn to stone?
    because of the shine in your hands?
    now you group respects you but you've lost your light
    lost your shine
    lost your friend
    and stole his time
    he could've been great
    but now he's dead
    and you're fueled by hate
    looking at the noose in your hands everyday
    getting closer to the stool.

    i tell you this story in the hopes that no one suffers
    from teh worst word in teh world
    we all know it
    it's the D word
    D stands for darkness, as it clouds our hearts
    D stands for destruction
    because it kills us inside
    D stands for despair
    because sorrow lays in teh its wake
    D stands for death
    because thats what happens.

    D, stand for Drama.