• What is life?
    Is it at fate that gets closser to death each day?
    Is it loving someone and being rejected, while each time your
    emotions suffer? Is it so we can experience the joy of rasing are young?
    Is life but a dream? Where you can wake up in a instant? Why are their
    villans the people you hate? They make you upset by not listining or you
    teasing you at school.

    Making fun of you because you are diffrent. Do you know why they make
    fun of you? It is because when they make fun of you they feel good about
    themselfs. But don't try to get revenge on the. Either ignore or tell
    someone like a teacher or an adult. Or stand up to the situation. Or if You
    are one of the people who make fun of the person. Why? I know why
    because you around people who do so do the same and follow. Or if you don't your socalled friend won't be anymore and you will become the one picked on.

    Life is people having to do everything everybudy else does? So why don't you try being yourself! Express who you are not what anyone expexs of you but who you want to be.