• In a world where everything changes…
    Seasons..Weather…day and night…
    Where everything has an opposite…
    Water to fire…earth to wind…light to dark...
    Where everything has a meaning…
    Sun brings life...moon brings dreams…

    In a world where true love conquers all…
    And fear rules the minds…
    Where glorious light shines from the heavens…
    And ominious dark crawls from the hells…
    Where life takes its highest point...
    Just to reach the downfall of death...

    It’s the world of possibility…
    Where in the darkest of caves...
    glimmering life flourishes…
    Where in the deepest oceans...
    Those that we thought were dead...
    Are still alive…

    A world that shows the monuments of men…
    And the fascinating creations of our Lord...
    The wonders of nature and the secret of life…
    Evolution and space and time...
    The many possibililiest I can’t name them all…
    But it’s the truth that this world is amazing

    The Great Canyon, the Aurora Borealis, the Coral Barrier
    The Great Pyramids, Niagara Falls, the Great Wall of China
    And finally the human life…
    I say this because nature is a mystery and we since we live in it…
    Are a mystery too…
    This is...the amazing world…I call home!