• People around me everywhere
    None of them knowing my despair
    Why do they think I am fine?
    I feel like im in a mine
    Full of bombs, ready to blow
    And definitely not very slow
    Shooting everywhere in my mind
    Why am I so kind
    To those who don’t know my pain
    The pain of which is not sane
    But the opposite, with thoughts galore
    They could make others snore
    My pain to them is another joke
    To them it is just a light poke
    But my pain is deeper than that
    And I sometimes wish I was a cat
    For then I wouldn’t feel like this
    And I surely wouldn’t miss
    The sadness
    The loneliness
    The confusion
    The illusion
    That someone cares enough about me
    To help me find the key
    That frees me from this hell
    Where I feel like im in a cell
    Locked in one room
    With a pen, paper, a gun and a bed
    My feet feel like led
    While I still have the motivation
    I think ill end my aggravation
    My thoughts have been proven
    And they will help me move
    To where I will say good-bye
    And I’ll do it with a sigh
    For I do not wish to hurt you
    But I cannot take it even for you, my love,
    Because life is my personal torture