• Starless night,
    Rain down your serenade,
    Of moonless sonorities,
    Darkness come rescue me,
    Darkness bring me heroes.
    Afraid of the dark,
    Into the blue, the unknown,
    Trickle to the forests,
    The city is full of monsters,
    Woodland embrace,
    Night-time chase,
    I'm half starved and half born.
    Childish fears,
    Are meant to vanish,
    As the years make us stronger,
    Being strong I grab my sword,
    Twigs and string,
    I could defeat anything,
    Demons and dragons, fight me.
    And while I fight,
    Ghosts are kissing my cold cheeks,
    I reach out for a hand,
    No hands are there to break my fall.
    Falling into vertigo,
    While the sun rises in the east,
    My demons, those demons...
    They disappear.