• this was a poem that i came up with about two years ago and thought it related to how some people feel. i know i have felt this way before.

    she has fallen
    fallen from what she knows
    nolonger is she on the path of light
    but fell astray on to the path of dark ness

    her eyes are not like your's or mine
    ours are full of hope and the happyness that we share
    her eye's are full of dispair and betrayal

    she is nolong the angel of light
    her wings are nolonger that of the pureity of the white snow
    but are black as the night it's self

    her hands and wings are bound in the chains of her sorrow and pain
    she prays for the light, or to let the darkness end her pain

    as you and i sit in the light of day under the pale blue sky
    she sits in the shadows under the blackened moon of the darkness

    she is nolonger in the chains of her pain and sorrow
    she is with her love that is stained with crimson darkness rose pedals all around them

    for she will be forever known as the fallen angel of darkness love