• Looking back i see no fears
    looking back i see no tears
    only happyness and glee
    running through life,
    the problems i would never see
    smile and giggle on every face
    no depression or thoughts would race
    consintration was just a joke
    i never prayed i never hoped
    i just flew and flowed along with life
    always got along never had strife
    all i needed was the sun to shine
    and even if that wasnt the time
    i would still continue with my happyness
    but now only thing i have abundent
    the saddness that shouldnt of been
    now i see the worlds sin
    all i wont is to go back to were it was so simple
    to were id smile you'd see my dimbles
    were love was not a thing or worry
    to find some one was never a hurry
    i wish was was a younger child
    to run around so funny and wild
    but it wont happen and i need to move on
    because some day i will look back at this one