• In a few short days we'll be ripped apart,
    But that's not the right word,
    'Ripped' is for stronger bonds,
    The ones that are harder to break,
    And torn is for those unwilling to end it,
    To sever the fatal tie they made,
    We have a weak bond,
    One that only gose half way,
    You love me more then I love you,
    That dosn't even make us whole,
    Because part will be holding on tight,
    Thats you,
    And the other part, thats me,
    I will be the loose stiching on crappy cloths,
    That simply falls apart with time,
    Less time then I thought,
    I am the one thats ready to leave,
    And you are the insistent child begging me not to leave,
    You've over done your stay,
    Now leave,
    It's to late,
    My minds made up,
    Just go