• breath...
    just breath...
    to say goodbye to the one you love makes
    one wanna cry and die.
    the pain can be never ending and no there
    will be no ascending.
    i can't show my hurt feelings to anyone instead
    i want to feel numb,nnumb to the body,the mind,
    and my tongue.no you won't see me cry in front
    of you, i'll wait,wait until i can't see or feel you.
    i don't want to take the painful drug called love.
    all i can do is pray for the day when you can say
    "i love you" and hopefully when you say it, it's true.
    the feelings i have for you are unlike any others, even though
    sometimes i can't show it my love for you is there.i'll put on my mask and never
    tke it off,if my emotions bring you pain like knives i will disguise them hide them from all even if that means that i will fall.