• A smooth diamond glass sits on the counter. It stands in the sunlight beautiful colors shine off of it. Suddenly it falls to the ground and shatters into many pieces.
    Many people would call this heartbreak, me I don’t know what exactly I would call it. It is just something I can’t explain. For some people they think it is just part of life, you know things happen. Well its just not like that for me. To me it was like that glass shattering; those pieces were pieces of my heart. Each color the glass would show in the sunlight would trigger something that had happened…a memory.
    Pink- the hugs
    Yellow- the encouragement
    Red- that first kiss
    Purple- all of those good times together
    Green- just sitting leaning on him in silence
    As the glass shatters all of those memories are scattered away. Instead of putting them away forever they are kept in a special place, and are looked at once in a while.