• from my point of view, I may not see everything
    or hear everything but Im here all the time
    whenever you need to talk, Ill listen
    Just like did, like Ive always done

    If something goes wrong, if somethings not right
    Ill be here to help you win the fight
    we can Joke around, or talk about whats on your mind
    maybe soon enough your heart will find

    a better way to heal, to get away from what you feel
    to find a way to keep your faith
    you find an escape when your with your friends
    and you hope the laughter never ends

    but still you get stuck in these moments
    where you find it hard to get away
    and all you want is for someone to say
    its ok, I Love you, lets get out of here

    lets get away, lets go to a place where you can be free
    far from the thoughts of how things use to be
    when he was with you, when he was here
    hoping your thoughts of him disappear

    you were his one chance at a better life
    the way I see it, his one chance at love
    for you, lil sis, your love is worth having
    for you love like anyone wants to be loved

    when you open your heart, you open your eyes
    and your bring into the world this lovely surprise
    this lovely life tht you keep within you
    your a beautiful soul, and so beautiful too
    like your soul can be seen shining on the outside

    such love and laughter tht you bring to each life
    each life tht your a part of, my life as well
    the Joy tht you bring I Just cant tell

    your the center of my world, I love you so much lil sis
    and I dont wana see your lovely heart broken
    for such a heart deserves only the best

    so breath in, and take in All the good
    now breath out, and leave out All the rest

    Take Joy in your new Love with Josh
    kissing and cuddling and Oh my gosh (xD)
    Your starting to forget those painful feelings
    so Just let them go, let your heart heal
    hold this Love close & know tht its real

    know tht its yours, this is for you
    and all the wonderful things you do
    and all the wonderful ways tht you are
    in this world, your a shining star

    remember these words, for I speak from the heart
    you are truly amazing, dont ever believe anything less
    but dont get a big head, cuz tht will Just make a mess xD
    keep your heart in the right place
    and keep the dirt off your face xD (I know your laughing : P)

    Im proud of you lil sis, and I love you so vary much
    More than I think I can tell you with those 3 words
    but I hope you know Just how far Id be willing to go
    Just to put a smile on your face, On your cute lil face

    I know your blushing ^-^
    Just as well as your heart is crushing
    -On your New boyfriend (: P xD)

    and tht lil smile, makes it all worth while
    and I hope you smile every time you read this
    smile lil sis, and let the whole world see how special you are

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